Several types of retainers are frequently prescribed during the retention phase
If you have completed the active portion of your orthodontic treatment, congratulations are in order! However, in order to maintain your new dental alignment, a retainer may be necessary. Retainers help hold your teeth in position after your braces have been removed. Several types of retainers are frequently prescribed:
Retainers That Are Fixed in the Mouth
Fixed retainers typically consist of a thin piece of wire that runs across the back side of the upper or lower front teeth and is bonded into position with dental cement. These retainers are great options because bonding the wire to the teeth prevents unwanted movement.. In effect, fixed retainers hold the teeth perfectly in place. Still, due to the presence of the retaining wire, they can make it a bit more cumbersome to floss. However, a floss threader or an oral irrigator can help simplify the task. Here is one common type of fixed retainer:
- Permanently bonded retainers. These retainers are applied to the six teeth in the center of the upper and lower palates.
Retainers That Can Be Removed
A removable retainer is sometimes preferred because its removal makes it easy to brush and floss. Still, it’s important to remember to wear a removable retainer each day. Initially, you may be required to wear it around the clock. Here are two types of retainers that are removable :
- Hawley retainers. Hawley retainers are made of flexible wire and molded acrylic, which fits flush against the roof of your mouth. The bendable wire of these retainers makes them adjustable. Thus, the retainer can be customized to fit your alignment needs.
- Essix retainers. These removable retainers are made of clear, rigid plastic material and look quite similar to clear plastic aligning trays, such as those used with the Invisalign system. Since these retainers are transparent, they are barely noticeable when worn.
For more information about retainers that may be suitable for the retention of your dental alignment, contact our office to schedule an appointment.